Venture into the world of the Underground Railroad in Wisconsin, where secrets and bravery converged to aid African American slaves in their quest for freedom in the 19th century. This treacherous and clandestine route, comprised of a network of cryptic passages and safe havens, played a significant role in the abolitionist movement, and Wisconsin is steeped in its legacy.
Uncover the rich history of this pivotal moment in time with a closer examination of some of the most remarkable Underground Railroad sites in the state, and embark on a journey to experience it for yourself.
Milton House
The Wisconsin Historical Society: Guardian of Wisconsin’s Legacy The Wisconsin Historical Society, the state’s paramount entity in preserving and disseminating the history of Wisconsin, doubles as a treasure trove of information for those curious about the Underground Railroad. Boasting several museums across the state, the society sheds light on Wisconsin’s opulent cultural heritage through exhibitions, including the Wisconsin Historical Museum in Madison.
In addition to its museums, the society houses an extensive collection of records and artifacts related to the Underground Railroad, such as letters, maps, and first-hand accounts from individuals who played a role in the movement.
Each of these sites provides a singular viewpoint into the lives of those who escaped slavery and the heroes who helped them. Some of the most prominent sites include:
- The Walker’s Point Underground Railroad History Center in Milwaukee, which is devoted to preserving and spreading the history of the Underground Railroad in Wisconsin. This museum offers exhibits on the experiences of both slaves and those who aided their escape.
- The Quindaro Ruins in Kaukauna, located along the Fox River, was once a thriving community of free African Americans and a critical stop on the Underground Railroad. Today, the ruins provide a window into the lives of those who took the dangerous route to freedom.
- The Fort Crawford Museum in Prairie du Chien, which is dedicated to preserving the history of the Fort Crawford military establishment and its role as a key stop on the Underground Railroad. Visitors can learn about the experiences of escaped slaves and the soldiers who aided them.
So, why not learn the history of the Underground Railroad in Wisconsin for yourself?